If you are looking for information that is not listed below email us at for assistance.

WIVR Mailing Address P.O. Box 58719
Salt Lake City, UT 84158-0897
WIVR Street Address 500 Foothill Drive, Bldg 2 (151)
Salt Lake City, UT 84148-0001
County Salt Lake
Mail Code 151
Checks Payable To: Western Institute for Veterans Research
Congressional District UT-002
WIVR Board of Directors Link here
WIVR DUNS # 876534744
VA Salt Lake City Health Care System DUNS # 009094756
Federal Tax ID # (TIN ) or Employer ID # (EIN) 87-0470748
Federalwide Assurance # FWA00005420
Animal Welfare Assurance # A4408-01
Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Rate: Federal 17%
F&A Rate: Industry Sponsored 25%
F&A Rate: Education Activities, Donations, Foundations, Miscellaneous: 17%