Kristine Welcker-Ciupek

Staff Specialist

Prior to coming to work for WIVR in January 2014, Kris spent 40+ years working at the VA SLC Healthcare System. The last 20+ years of her VA employment was in the VA Research Office where she began as the Research Secretary, then Research Budget Clerk and the Research Budget Analyst. WIVR was fortunate to hire Kris after her retirement from the VA, and relies heavily on her knowledge and experience to help WIVR better serve the VA Research Program.

Kris has built strong professional relationships over her career with the VASLCHCS research professionals, and is proud to continue to serve them as the Administrative Specialist at WIVR. She is responsible for many of WIVR’s administrative functions, including human resources, procurement/ordering, and pre- and post-award grant management support.
